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150 Books About the United States | 3 For Each State to Enhance Your Travels

Reading books about a destination is a great way to deepen your understanding of the destination. For instance, following my recent road trip from Massachusetts to Florida (and back), I researched books set in all the states I stopped in along the way.

I didn’t stop at just those states, though. I continued to research books set in or about each of the states that I drove through. In the end, I researched books for 15 states (gotta love the East Coast!). Then I thought, “Why stop there!?” and kept going until I found books for each of the 50 states! Since it is a Mighty Life goal to visit each state, I might as well, right?!

Ready to update your reading list, travel vicariously through the United States, and learn a little bit along the way?

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What Kind of Books Are On This List?

Well, I like to read about the cultural and natural history of places. I also enjoy the first-hand accounts of places in memoirs and biographies, especially those set in the 18th or 19th century. Who else read all the Little House books when they were younger? Both types of books help me understand how places took shape through time.

Now and then, a great work of fiction describes the setting so well that I feel like I’m there. Whether city, state, or country, the story’s setting can be as much a character in the book as the people it’s about.

So, in short, this list of books includes a mixture of all types of genres. I found so many great books, but I had to narrow it down to just three books per state as hard as it was. I hope you find one (or several) books to add to your reading list!

*Books I’ve already read and recommend are in italics.

Books Set in Alabama

books set in alabama to kill a mockingbird
books set in alabama fried green tomatoes
books set in alabama invisible man

Books Set in Alaska

books set in alaska blonde indian
books set in alaska passage to juneau
books set in alaska travels in alaska

Books Set in Arizona

books set in arizona animal dreams
08 going back to bisbee
books set in arizona the heart of the canyon

Books Set in Arkansas

books set in arkansas true grit
books set in arkansas one summer in arkansas
books set in arkansas where things come back

Books Set in California

books set in california white oleander
books set in california east of eden
books set in california china dolls

Books Set in Colorado

books set in colorado plainsong
books set in colorado the hour i first believed
books set in colorado the magic of ordinary days

Books Set in Connecticut

books set in connecticut revolutionary road
books set in connecticut curious case of benjamin button
books set in connecticut hidden history

Books Set in Delaware

books set in delaware west of rehoboth
books set in delaware rehoboth beach
books set in delaware the saint of lost things

Books Set in Florida

books set in florida marley and me
books set in florida their eyes were watching god
books set in florida swamplandia

Books Set in Georgia

books set in georgia silver sparrow
books set in georgia home by toni morrison
books set in georgia midnight in the garden of good and evil

Books Set in Hawaii

books set in hawaii the last aloha
books set in hawaii he mele a hilo
books set in hawaii wild meat and the bully burgers

Books Set in Idaho

books set in idaho educated
books set in idaho in the wilderness
books about idaho on the dark side of the moon

Books Set in Illinois

books set in illinois native son
books set in illinois devil in the white city
books set in illinois you were never in chicago

Books Set in Indiana

books set in indiana the fault in our stars
books set in indiana all the bright stars
books set in indiana we are all completely beside ourselves

Books Set in Iowa

books set in iowa dewey the small-town cat
books set in iowa gilead
books set in iowa the bridges of madison county

Books Set in Kansas

books set in kansas little house on the prairie
books set in kansas in cold blood
books set in kansas the exact nature of our wrongs

Books Set in Kentucky

books set in kentucky uncle tom's cabin
books set in kentucky the patron saint of liars
books set in kentucky icy sparks

Books Set in Louisiana

52 lesson before dying
53 dave eggers
54 confederacy of dunces

Books Set in Maine

55 empire falls
56 cider house rules
57 year in maine

Books Set in Maryland

58 accidental tourist
59 chesapeake
60 jacob have i loved

Books Set in Massachusetts

61 see what i have done
62 mystic river
63 little women

Read more about travel in Massachusetts:

Books Set in Michigan

65 slave across the street
66 south of superior

Books Set in Minnesota

67 late homecomer
68 banks plum creek
69 north star country

Books Set in Mississippi

70 the help
71 all welcome here
72 little friend

Books Set in Missouri

73 winters bone
74 sharp objects
75 stoner



Books Set in Montana

76 miseducation of cameron post
77 last best place
78 fourth of july creek

Books Set in Nebraska

79 worst hard time
80 once upon a town
81 cottonwood stand


82 ox bow incident
83 fear and loathing in las vegas
84 delivery man

New Hampshire

85 our town
86 owen meany
87 separate peace

New Jersey

88 brief wondrous life
89 american pastoral
90 let me be frank

New Mexico

91 wives los alamos
92 canyon de chelly
93 red sky

New York

94 great gatsby
95 tree grows brooklyn
96 incredibly close

North Carolina

97 marrow of tradition
98 cold mountain
99 incidents slave girl

North Dakota

100 new wild west
101 horizontal world
102 childrens blizzard


103 everything i never told you 1
104 wench
105 bluest eye


106 grapes of wrath
107 where the heart is
108 killers of flower moon


109 my abandonment
110 sometimes great notion
111 fugitives refugees


112 songs ordinary time
113 first christmas
114 black girl white girl

Rhode Island

115 sisters keeper
116 calm at sunset
117 every sunday

South Carolina

118 secret life of bees
119 prince of tides
120 red hills and cotton

South Dakota

121 shores of silver lake
122 personal history
123 jumping off place


color purple
125 summons to memphis
126 under water


127 all pretty horses
128 friday night lights
129 last picture show


130 under banner heaven
131 desert solitaire
132 19th wife


133 off the leash
134 understood betsy
135 house rules


136 misty chincoteague
137 wettest county
138 unlikely disciple


139 hotel on corner
140 snow falling
141 orchardist

West Virginia

142 rocket boys
143 out of mountains
144 storming heaven


145 driftless
146 little house big woods
147 population 485


148 altitude adjustment
149 legend of colton
150 close range


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