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The Importance of Self-Care for Volunteers Abroad

I frequently talk about self-care on this site. Establishing a daily self-care routine has improved my mental and emotional health over the past few years since I finally got professional help for my depression and anxiety. As part of my routine, I mindfully and intentionally do something for myself every single day.

What I do for myself each day changes with how I’m feeling or what I think I need. For instance, I could cook a nutritious (and delicious) meal, go for a walk and photograph a beautiful sunset, or buy myself a treat. Whatever it is, I do it every day to relieve stress and show myself how important I am.

Perhaps even more important than everyday self-care is practicing self-care while volunteering abroad. Volunteers give their time, talents, and/or strength away for free, and it can be taxing. As an AmeriCorps Alum, I know how difficult being a volunteer at home can be. I’d imagine it is so much harder when you volunteer abroad because you are giving all of yourself while being surrounded by unfamiliar sights, sounds, smells, activities, and people.

This month’s guest writer shares some ways overseas volunteers can practice self-care.

self care tips for volunteer projects overseas
Nicoleta Radoi

The importance of practicing self-care as a volunteer abroad

Many people who love to travel have considered working as a volunteer overseas at some point. And they’re right to.

Volunteering is an excellent way to see the world and satisfy your adventurous side while also genuinely contributing positively to a good cause.

Whether you’re teaching English to children in Africa, rescuing endangered animals in the tropics, or anything in between, volunteering can give you access to communities, ways of life, and parts of the world that you would struggle to see otherwise.

An important thing to remember when traveling, however, is the importance of self-care, particularly if you have dealt with mental health issues before. This is just as true of volunteering.

Being in a new environment surrounded by new people and actively working towards a good cause can really help you to develop and grow as a person. But, it is possible to sometimes feel a little out of your comfort zone, and you should always take things at your own pace to prevent being overwhelmed and feeling burned out.

Here are some of the best ways to look after yourself whilst volunteering abroad, to help you get the most from your trip of a lifetime.

self-care for volunteers abroad
Nicoleta Radoi


The importance of a good diet cannot be overstated, but we all know that when you’re going through changes in your life, such as when volunteering, it can be easy to neglect this fundamental part of self-care.

If you’re in a new country where the food is not what you’re used to, it can be all too tempting to reach for the comforting bag of chips or chocolates.

Try to see your time in the country to experience interesting new foods. Experiment with local cuisine and you will naturally ensure a varied, healthy diet. This will help you to keep your energy up, stay healthy in body and mind, and enjoy yourself more as a result.

Some organizations provide food as part of the package, so these can be a great choice to help you stick to your good intentions.

self-care as a volunteer abroad
Nicoleta Radoi


Staying active regularly is another hugely important element of self-care, and can lead to many other benefits.

By getting out and being physically active, you can end up learning new skills, improve your fitness, and just generally keep your mind and body busy – great for when you might be feeling a little down or anxious.

There are all sorts of ways to ensure that you stay active whilst volunteering. For example, you may choose a physical project, like helping with construction or teaching sports.

If you are working in a less physical role, such as teaching English, then you can still stay active by doing things on your own time. You could go for relaxing walks on the beach or around the new location, practice yoga or meditation, or try a local sport like surfing or white-water rafting.

the importance of self care while volunteering abroad
Nicoleta Radoi

Choose the project that’s right for you

Now it’s obviously important to choose a project that will do some real good, but you also need to think about yourself and what you’re going to get out of it.

Self-care begins before your trip, so when researching and deciding on a project you should always take into account a few factors:

  • Do you want to be somewhere busy, like a city, or do you handle quiet, remote areas better?
  • Do you want to work with other people, or are you more comfortable working with animals and nature?
  • Are you going to be able to communicate with locals? If this is important for you then consider going to an English-speaking country, or taking language lessons.

Good organizations have a strong support network in place, meaning that you will always have somebody to talk to and will never feel alone. In this way, volunteering can be superior to independent travel.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s going to work for you. At the end of the day, nobody knows you better than yourself, so you need to be the judge of what you will get the most from.

Look after yourself as a priority

When volunteering, you need to remember to look after yourself as a priority. After all, you’re not going to be in a good state to help others unless you are in a good place yourself.

So, follow these tips to get the most out of volunteering.

About the Author

Nicoleta is the resident content blogger for uVolunteer. As an avid linguist, she speaks fluent English, Chinese, French, Spanish and native Romanian. She spent a decade working in China in the education sector and working with major international development institutions and currently lives in Vancouver, Canada. She is passionate about volunteering, sustainable travel and has a soft spot for ethnic food.

Connect with Nicoleta on Twitter.

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