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Three Surprising Things I Always Travel With

Whether I am flying six hours to California or just taking the ferry over to Martha’s Vineyard for the weekend I always travel with these three items. They are small, so they don’t take up a lot of room. They all actually fit in a small purse! Plus, they can each serve multiple purposes – a very important rule of packing light for travel!

I  use these things at home pretty much on a daily basis anyway, so why would I ever travel without them!? Add these three items to your packing list, too!

These are the three things I always travel with:

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1. Aquaphor

Aquaphor is magic in a small tube. It can be used for literally anything. I mainly use it as a lip balm, but while traveling it can be used on paper cuts or minor burns to help them heal faster. I also use it on extra dry skin at night (usually on my face or around my eyes) when hotel or hostel air dries me out. Also, I’ve used it as a cuticle oil during my many self-manicures.

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2. Tennis Ball

I use this nearly on a daily basis to help work knots out of my back. When laid on, a tennis ball creates the perfect amount of pressure to massage sore spots in your back. Perhaps from long days of walking, sleeping funny in a top bunk at a hostel, or lugging your mistake-of-a duffel bag around town. It can also cure boredom while waiting for public transportation!

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3. Peppermint Candy

I am not a gum chewer, so instead, I prefer to always carry mint candies like Certs or Pep-O-Mint Lifesavers on flights. Not only do they freshen my breath until I’m reunited with my toothbrush, but they also provide temporary relief for motion sickness. They come in handy during those tough plane descents. Plus, it’s a nice gesture to offer one to your plane, train, or bus neighbor, as well.


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three things always pack

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  1. I can’t travel without a tennis hat, TONS of lip gloss and/or liquid water enhancers (like Mio, etc). These things are a must for me to be comfy LOL

    1. Yes! I always pack one or two Crystal Light singles, too. I don’t often order anything other than water when I travel (with the exception of beer!) so they add a little variety to my meals.